Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Penatau nitihka pengerindu ati.....

"Belajar enggai; bemain lumor satu," seru serebana bala mensia ti ngelala. "Kalat kulu kalat kili, baka apek bayat ti nadai pendiau," ku tudah boss ga! "Your "blother" was so good, why you so bad, so naughty huh!" munyi sembur ludah penilur tudah Mr. Tay Jik. Kaw. "Apa kitak mauk jadi samseng kah? Cuba melawan aku di luar kelak..kitak tok macam orang mencari lawan, mencari gaduh jak," ku Cikgu Zainal ngamang deka nuchul tudah kaban siku ngena insap! Poohhh ukai nama pengajar nganu munyi nya..laban bala kami ti enda dibai pengajar bemain bol ngarika sekula lalu begempung bemain numbuhka team bukai lalu belaban enggau sekula ba padang BLDC! Nadai salah ga urang nganu kitai bakanya laban ti nadai nyukung sekula! Katika urang ngambi kitai bemain deh, tubuh ga baruh ari bala maioh, gamal ga mit mesai kerengit nyerungkai nyerungkap lemai! Ahhh nadai ngachau nya....asai bala kami seraban menang aja! Indeed we did..no problemo..semina nembiak "Pemuda Barisan" , bala anak melayu ari Kampung Tengah aja bisi meri pengeliat ngelaban mimit. Pengujung iya, nyau berani bemain enggau urang tuai besai hmmmmm ngenang diri good , elusive dribbler but never a powerful kicker!!! Nya meh siti utai ti seruran nyadi pengelemi diri maia tu deh! Or maybe my pair of boots tu too small or too big for me! Not an excuse ku orang putih! Pandai pandai pan kitai maioh agi urang lebih pemandai, enda pia? Tu meh siti utai ti bangat dikemendarka diri maia tu. Enti deka ngiga aku..enti nadai di sekula..endang di padang bol. Hahahah ..nyau puas ngemataka gaya Mickey Thomas enggau Steve Coppell, both ex-Man.U maia tu kelia, ngelepaska diri ari penyaga garis rintai maia tu..betarit asur ka buah bol! I had the speed alright tang enda kala di anjung kebukai. Ahh endang gaya singkang kitai deka mansang sejengkal kamba meh nya. Di tumbit enda nginsit, disimbang endang tumbang, ditajar enda pambar, disimpung enda pumpung, munyi ku jaku sema kitai pengeliat ati ti deka ngukir nama diri ba pengawa main, pengawa pelajar enggau pengawa pengidup bukai mega. Nothing matters laban sapa ngelala aku lebih ari aku empu?
Ngenang diri maia malam hari bejalai kaki enggau Ajin Balong ( don't have a clue where is now..engka nyadi misi kini..only knew she was from Sg. Rian, Sarikei)pulai melakun ngarika kelab drama sekula ari Tiang Laju..ngenang pengawa belajar. Rumour had it..aku deka di ambi orang ari menua the great white north! Nya meh gaya laban tudah indai sayauka kitai tang kitai enda ngasai diri menyati pendiau diri bakatu. I had no idea!! Di gusung orang deka di bai orang.. "Anang guai," ku saut indai...pie..boleh tahan orang tuai sepiking ahhh. "Nganti result pom tiga..meda baka dulu," ku iya. Bisi ga aku madahka pangan injau ti diau di Pulau Pinang ,di Yugoslavia(then) enggau di Kanada...siti jalai kitai belajar nulis surat meh tu! Kitai baru pom dua udah ditagaka bakanya..apoooo sigi lain asai. Pengaga begulai enggau penangi ti maioh suah di asai. Tang meh tudah diri ahhh akai dai..gila bemain bol..nya baru iya baka chuan ruti danan enti di anjung ka Ai Ngelan ko kenang mega..but I knew that would never happen laban udah bisi chuntu peniru bala kaban! Pesan tudah Ajin, "Anang enda ingat ka kami ila." ...Meruan dikenang belama nya kaban! Tusah kitai maia udah datai ba simpang laban kelalu maioh pampang jalai ti tau ditengah..which one lalu bedau temu..ni jalai ti nadai pengerembus deh? Aku being aku..mangkin sari mangkin irau tudah indai, bala kaban disemak bukai mega, enggau menyadi aku Chom laban orang ti enggau aku begulai, pemanchal aku, penatau aku, penyelai aku, pemerani aku, pengerindu aku, penimpang aku, ahh abis P's ba diksinari kitai Iban alai besema ka utai dek apai. Diatu nemu meh aku utai di suah ngalun penemu nembiak bukai, bisi apai, nadai apai..maia umur maya tu, umur penguji. Nadai utai dikenggai apooo merinsa kitai ku jaku..belaya nadai enggai, rari ari rumah, ari sekula, ngachau utai urang hmmm bisi ampit..semua utai dikerja tak ngelaban pengelurus jalai mensia idup di dunya magang. What do you expect? Son to husbandless mother, adulterous father!!!


podgykat said...

Hi GT, the ending to your post sounds kinda sad. Check out my blog-have found that pic with Peter in it! But so young lah then..... Hope you didn't mistake me for Ms( or now Mrs)Sexy & Voluptuous from Limbang? Haha. She was my classmate and good friend, still is lah. Cheers!

GerubiTuai said...

Podgykat(PJ), wahhh young and adventurous then kah? That's Che Boyong alright!The more I look at your class photo the more names pop into my head! You'll see myself and Tanjung Lobang soon..got few chapters left in Simanggang! Ya ya..thousand apologies che puan..you mean Ms. S. Stewart from Limbang!!!!???the one who sat infront(class photo)..very far end! Hmm google map placed your IP dari Limbang several times!!!So, my silly guest was Limbang..maklumlah sudah jadi bapak tua ehh!I have made several comments in your blog.. hmm to be moderated lah tu. Ya..the end of my blog is sad..just the way it is, but the greatest motivational tool anyone could possibly imagine lah. Put to good use..boleh tahan katakan.
Be good and be happy!!

podgykat said...

Groovy, You know my name eh? All along or just?Or was it Henry's tip? Not SS,she was too slim to be called volutuous, lah Groovy) I mean the other Sexy and Voluptuous from Limbang(she loves it when I call her this-she won't take offence, believe me!)Ms Ivy(no need full names lah)is who I meant. Do you remember her? No need to moderate your comments lah. As long as no heavy stuff like politics,etc that I personally have no time for. Spent half of my life being bogged down serious, I want to revel in good friends and family only now. Have been betrayed very badly in the past by a couple of friends, showed them the door very fast, hati very lapang after that! Be good too. Nice to know you.

GerubiTuai said...

Podgykat, Guessing at first..and Henry's greeting confirmed my guess!Yess of course I do remember you guys..sapa boleh lupa? Miss Ivy hmmm ya I remember..no offence okay..we(myself, Roland Umong, and Joclyn Jimmy(Aput) used to sing "Ivy likes banana" . Of course we weren't serious..joke joke only lah. If you think back, way back..I was that little boy, only form four boy who hung around Roland Umong, Chep Suring, Edwin Samat, and Joclyn Jimmy! They protected me very very well to be honest! I stayed at Kiwi, except tidur and makan!So, you see what kind of influences I got from them!! Ohh ya..Miss Chan's brother, Matthew Chan whom we called Apek was my batch..so as Mr. Bakun's brothers Rom and Rudi!!!Mr. Banker's brother was my junior! You'll see when I say hello to Tanjung Lobang in Iban lah..some of the readers may say...alamak..teruklah dia tu..ommigossshhh no some may saylah. Stay true true lah.
More to come.

podgykat said...

GT, can't wait for your tanjong lobang postings, but sadly if it's all in iban I'd probably understand only the simple basic words. Henry's translation would come in handy! I stayed off-campus so was not actually into alot of the interesting "stuff" that went on. Waiting in anticipation for some photos etc... Cheers!

Unknown said...

sigi gaya maya kitai agi nembiak. sigi ta mayuh penatau enggau pemanchal

GerubiTuai said...

Podgy.., haiya sabarlah sikit ya. Not there yet. Too bad that I left 99 percent of the yesteryears snapshots at home. I thought you understand the language(Iban)? Ooops what race are you, if I may ask? Get that Mr. Lawyer to translate lah. Soon ok.

Igat G. Roy, endang baka iya meh tu deh...nembiak kati enda tatau serta manchal. Tajapan bakanya siku siku kitai, laban ti nyelai ari kaban kitai sepiak, patut meratika serta nemu ngubah pendiau ti enda menuku..belajar ari pengawa ti enda manah, ti salah enggau ti enda ngelantangka mata orang tuai meh..enda pia?
Mupok enda lama.

podgykat said...

Groovy, I do understand the simple basic stuff, but nothing good to converse with! My grandfather had an "adopted" iban family way back during the japanese times! I belong to a race that was hunted down by the Japanese when they came, because of the association to the British.My maternal grandpa's father was a British resident under the Brooke rule and mother a Melanau from the Cape village(haha)Kpg Tanjung, in Kanowit. One day when I get all the facts right, I'll do a posting on the "iban connection!" Pretty interesting stuff. I'm a very confused Malaysian! My dad was from Kuala Lumpur, who's father was a Sri Lankan/Dutch and mother an Irish/Tamil. Alamak, what does that make me?-I'd rather say Malaysian. But I enjoy reading your writings, just the same. I'll ask my hubby to translate the hard words lah! He's better, can speak iban like a pro! Take care now. Cheers.

GerubiTuai said...

Poooooohhh..that's an interesting mixed you have there PJ...I was guessing this that and the other..I missed it by miles, but I'll be the first to admit if there's a miscue or anything like that. I am very appreciative that someone out there is taking his/her time reading. Well, I am Iban born-Iban bred lah..so my Ibaness never hilang di mana mana pun I eat, sleep,and play!Haiya..my assignment this summer is to talk to my kiddos in Iban per my other half.

podgykat said...

Do it Groovy, so the children can identify with their roots, it's a good thing-speak to them in iban. One of the best things is if you're out on the streets somewhere and you don't want anyone else understanding what you're saying....just let it fly! Haha. Usually when they're too young(like we were once, lah)this roots thing doesn't catch on but there comes a time, when they reach a certain age-I tell you they'd appreciate it. Good Luck with the iban language sessions!Make sure your other half pronounces all the words just like an iban would, that would be tough I think!:)

GerubiTuai said...

Hilarious indeed Podgykat..that's why they want to learn..that way they can let it fly bah. Ask them, they will tell anybody overhere that they are 1/2 Iban!!Pronounciation is a little tougher for them though. Really, everything is rested on me.