Tu meh kengka gaya gamal bala kami ti sempat serta ampit ngelaburka kemera maya tu. Bala sekeda ti bukai ti enda sempat begambar..hmmm uji tilik agu pemira, belakang bansal Kenari, puchuk nyiur dibelakang rumah lutor Georgie Chan, madang lalang dibelakang, tebing tasik, enggau tingkah tebiang Tanjung Lobang..dia meh sekeda bala kini! Ahhh Nyin kaban ti dikumbai 'Superman' pemadu peninggi di belakang sekali! Uji giga gamal Affendi Rosli, George Jago, Isik Utau, Alex Liu, Archilles Lautin, Gepat Gedip, Stephen 'Kurus' Kho, Joel Mundat, Apin Pauzan, Arthur Mujanil, Lau, Mathew 'Apek' Chan, Sanggup Adin, Kenneth Numan, Bobby Dickson Forster, James Mawan Bala, Mustapha, Sutomo Ahmad, Nyanggau Jugah, Paul Gusi, Ishak Musa, Patrick Sandin, Lucas Jengka, Mart Amat, King Kawi, enggau bala bukai mega! Ni China Ghee Hin? Ehhh Enchaluk enggau Noorudin Liew pan nadai..kada enda agi ningku chandu semakau siam bala ehehe. ..Andrew Blassan, Inyau Bada, Joseph Bunyau..hmmmm anang guai kaban..Phillip Singkek enggau Neilson Ilan pan nadai??? Engka belelak udah bechangkulka flower bed kini! Patrick Batong?? engka agi tinduk bemimpi betemu enggau Tina kini...Ali Omar?? kada enda nyau nyemerai nuju menua Berunai ngangkut insap nyeludup datai lemai lagi kini..Huuuhh Dennis Jackson pan nadai..Stem engka enggai enggau..laban bisi Alex ngarika seduai menyadi. Zakaria Markuzi enggau Kedong Luhat pan enda ayan. William Jawa jangka aku merening ari tisi jenila... John Temaga?? agi kimpin deka nyadi minister kini! Azeni Sahat??? hmm kimpin nyadi menace-ster!!Bakatu meh pendiau sekeda ari bala kami ti enda lama agi hmmmm kira empat ratus hari berapa jam agi..ulih itung..deka bibat enggau peresa menua ti dikumbai MCE deh..ahhh agi panjai taun bebulan madu tu bah! Aram nurun ke baruh kin...ngichaka bulih utai ti nadai! bejalai sebelah tebing tasik pasir bepantai eeeeeecha enggaika dikepit indu gerama!
Aram meh kitai sama ketuchum ketawa ngeli rangkai meda gamal rangkang kerigai. Too many names I don't remember lah kaban kaban semua. Ahhh where are you Mr. Forward??? King, tolonglah kaban! Nulung aku ngingatka bala ahhh. Neil, sapa agi bala bukai? HMMmmmmmm..
Is that you posing as "cleopatra" GT?
Podgee maam, a little inventive pose katakan..hahaha. Being a little different made me the prime target I guess, and Ang hated my gut...hope he still does!! Thanking you for the picture!
Very, very welcome-read my mail on some little details of Mr golden teeth's antics!
Yes maam..I am not surprised at all. That's abuse, purely abusive in my book! He was one of the targets in 1981, but they got the wrong car! They said it was too dark..Naturally, I was one of the suspects, who got called in for a nice interview!!! Darn..why me? I knew who did it and I wasn't about to be a tattle-tale! I will blog that too..so they will know!!!
I'll wait for your story on that incident-he was a real character, wasn't he? That Mr Ang Thien Sze? lucky escape for him that it was the wrong car! The education dept should investigate teachers like this-the kids need motivators,not do-gooders. And what an example he set for the kids to emulate! Am sorry to hear that you got blamed for somebody else's "handiwork"-have a good week Groove.
Podgee maam, haiaya sampai salah spelling having geram sik tentu pasal ehhh!!Geram at old age hahah susah sikit lo!!I agree seratus peratus that these teachers should be investigated. They really made a villain out of me!!! The only reason that I could think of..being too outspoken and did not like to see other students get the rap for little things. What school was it that your brother attended? Blogging along slowly but surely maam.
My brother was in Three Rivers Sec.Sch in Mukah. Forms 4-5. Also the hometown of Mr. Arrowhead! My two brothers also attended kolej but much our senior-eldest one in 1974-1975.This bro atarted a demo in the school because of the "inedible" food served in the dining hall! Second bro-1976-1977.Then myself-1979-1980.
wrong dates Groove-my eldest was in kolej fr 1973-1974. Second one, from 1975-1976. Forgetful Jane, lah!
Podgee maam, what year at Three Rivers? hahaha I must plan a homage to Mukah later!!
I'll email you the details; I'll get in touch with my brother in KL and find out some more "saucy" details! We all moved there from Miri when my grandpa retired from Shell Miri, as my grandma had some family land there. All of us had a stint in TRS, Mukah! :) Please pay homage to that old school of mine too....
Podgee maam, terima kasih for the email. Why am I not surprised by those despicable characters...hmm..Ya, sure lah since I have so many long lost friends who have roots there in Mukah, belajar at TRS. That's going to be a long time from now..colleague hunting. Let me start some expose, some turn of events leading to many things haha..cummulative effect of being a watcher and a receiver to being a giver and a doer..not so nice..but I let it rest upon the court of public opinion for now..
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