Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Meri Selamat Nyambut Bulan Lima

Tabi basa semua bala kaban serta enggau bala pemacha bukai mega.

Enggau pemansut kali ketiga sekali tu, mai ati tebuka ati gaga meh tudah aki Gerubituai ngerebakka lambar layar berengkah belayar neresa dunya ti bedau ditengah, ditujah. Enggau naka pengaga meh tu mai bala betemu baru mulaika pengingat enggau tangkai jaku bansa.....oooooo hhaaaa nyau tebuka meh pintu dunya aki gerubi tajapan injis nyau betegar hahahaa...ahhh. Meri besai terima kasih nuju bala ti sempat ninggalka pesan. Apoooo udah bepilih pia bala kita akih HJ? Ahh nuan deh? Bisi enggau ngeruh ai? Bala ditu agi betegangka batang rekung tu nya...ahhh masam manis meh keda utai deh kaban. OOOhhhaaaaa


Ruis Jugah said...

apoo..anag kelalu lama meh ninggal ke blog..nama berita kita dia ba menoa ribai deh?

podgykat said...

Welcome back, GT! You've disappeared for the longest time!! Hope all's manah for you and yours; thanks for dropping by to let me know you're back. we await more tales from you...

GerubiTuai said...

Wis, all good here kaban. Pemansut kali ketiga tu engka meh berkat mimit. Berita ditu hmmmmm prices skyrocketing..Billary and Mbama throwing punches and slinging mud and dirt at each other. McCain goyang kaki. Other than that, biasa aja ditu kaban.

Pogykat...hahhha I know maam. Okay for the time being and it should get better with time. Third time back should be a charmer! What do you think? Haven't been intouch with Abu yet. Samsuddin emailed me, but I haven't balas. Quite a number of old buddies saya neglected seemingly. Alive and stroking now hhehhhehahahah.

See you folks in the up-coming episode ya.. still head-scratching masa tok... Thanks you guys. Great sport.

Anonymous said...

selamat nyambut happy gawai asuh nuan kaban..arap ka gayu guru ngerai nyamai..anyway visit serta add my blog adress.http://simawin2008.blogspot.com..chioww..

Anonymous said...

mansa enda lama... slamat gawai semua..

Orchid said...

Selamat Gawai ngagai nuan wai. Enti bisi ari, lalu ke ruai kami au

Desmond Douglas Jerukan said...

Selamat Gawai :) bisi tuak ke ba menoa dia?

GerubiTuai said...

Igat Des, sorry didn't get to stay longer enda ulih betemu enggau bala kita. Bisi nyepi tuak ga maya Gawai tu tadi.

podgykat said...

Welcome back, I promise to upload the pics we took soooon. It was nice that we were able to meet up for lunch, eventhough it a much smaller crowd than normal..! Come back again soon.

GerubiTuai said...

I haven't upload my 'tourist' pics. Soon lah..malas and mau nangga football. Thanks for the MH(Malaysian hospitality)as Idris and the crew called it. Boleh tahan you folks from Tanjung Lobang ehh. Tell Sophia, I'll write in. Haiya..faster than olympic spinter lah racing against the clock.